Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018

Movie Review "Meet The Robbinson"


Student’s Reg. No
Adam Ramadhan


1.               Genre                                : Action & Adventure, Animation, Kids & Family
2.               Title                                   : Meet The Robinsons
3.           Producer                           : Dorothy McKim
4.               Director                            : Stephen Anderson
5.               Year of Publication         : 2007
6.               In details
Fill out the following information about the movie:
1.               Who are the most important characters in the film?  Also list the names of the actors playing these characters. (You may have to look these up online!) (15 points)

The Names of Actors
Daniel Hansen as Lewis
Inventive, smart, passionate, intelligent, fearless, kind, funny, caring, fatherly, well-meaning.
Wesley Singerman as Wilbur
Cocky, bossy, impatient, confident, reckless, adventurous, crafty, persistent, good-hearted
Angela Bassett as Mildred
Kind, motherly
Tom Selleck as Cornelius
Smart, never give up
Harland Williams as Carl
Paranoid, silly, fun
Tom Kenny as Mr. Willerstein
Slender, brown hair, thickly mustachioed, spectacles, blue eyes. Good Teacher.
Nicolla Sullivan as Franny
Assertive, a know-it-all, (both as a child), beautiful, sweet, kind-hearted, nurturing, outgoing, motherly, serious, musical, loving, nice, fun, protective, friendly
Tracey Miller as Lizzi
Monotone, snarky, edgy, threatening
Joe Mateo as T-Rex
Dangerous, aggressive, persistent (while under Bowler Hat Guy's control)
Sweet, docile, puppy-like (while not under Bowler Hat Guy's control)
Matthew Josten as Michael ‘Goob’ Yaggoobian
Immature, sneaky, scared, wacky, short-tempered, shy, vengeful, dull-witted, harmless, suffered, childish, relatable

2.               What group of people would like this movie (demographics)? (10 points)

I think every age can enjoy the movie, because the genre is Action & Adventure, Animation, Kids & Family.

3.               What is this story about?  Be very detailed! (15 points)

An orphan who dreams of someday finding a family to call his own finds his fate taking an unexpected turn when a mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson transports him into the future. Based on the book A Day With Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce, Meet the Robinsons tells the story of a boy with a lifelong wish to belong, and shows what happens when he meets an incredible collection of characters who just might have the power to make his wildest fantasies come true.


4.               Did you like this movie?  Why or why not? (10 points)

I quite liked 'Meet the Robinsons'. It wasn't a classic, memorable, or perfect film, but it was indeed a very good children's film. I will admit, there are times where it is a little too cute for itself, but it is made up by fine animation, as well as a witty script which all make this an acceptable yet forgettable film.

5.               What rating would you give this movie? (10 points)


6.               What spoilers might ruin the movie for viewers if you told them about it? (10 points)

a very intelligent orphan who wants to create a tool to find out who his parents were first

7.               All movies teach a lesson (theme/moral).  What did you learn from this one? (10 points)

never give up, even if you fail keep trying. love your family

8.               What title would you give your review (and can you think of a pun that might work for it)? (10 points)

The smart and unyielding orphans

9.               What are the new expressions you’ve found and what do they mean? (20 points)

Meanings in Bahasa
Im soTired
Aku sangat Lelah
Im Fine..
Aku Baik..
Please come home happily...
Pulanglah dalam keadaan bahagia..
Im Very Busy right now!
Saya Sangat sibuk sekarang!
I Hate it !
Aku Benci (ditolak)!
Its my Pleasure!
Ini Kebahagiaan saya!
Nice to see you!
Senang melihatmu!
Annoying Girl!
Perempuan pengganggu!
Love the science!
Cintai sains!
Happy to see them develop
Senang melihat mereka berkembang
Please dont kill anyone!
Tolong jangan bunuh seorangpun!
I dotn wanna hear anymore!
Aku tidak mau dengar apapun!
Watch out!
Im so sorry
Aku benar-benar minta maaf
Stop it please!
Tolong hentikan!
How can i believe you?
Bagaimana bisa saya mempercayaimu?
I like it!
Aku suka ini!
Its all over.
Semuanya berakhir.
this is nothing to worry about!
Ini tidak perlu dikhawatirkan!
He works out..
Dia kelelahan..


Find out who the mother was in the past

a child who tried to find out who his mother was, but he was hampered because his roommate was negative thinking about him.

A young boy looking for his mother stumbles upon a time traveler who takes him to the future, where he meets the time traveler's family and faces adversity from a malicious man in a bowler hat. Lewis is a brilliant young orphan, obsessed with the idea of finding his birth mother who abandoned him. He tries building a machine to scan his own memory to find details that can help him find her, but all he does is keep his roommate Goob awake and cause him to fall asleep from fatigue during the most important Little League game of his life. Like many of Lewis' inventions, the memory scanner doesn't work at his Science Fair when he needs it to. He also meets Wilbur Robinson, who says he has traveled back in time to find a man in a bowler hat who stole a time machine from him-- coincidentally, we see the man in a bowler hat steal what remains of Lewis' broken memory scanner. Wilbur takes Lewis to the future to prove that he's not a liar, but when they begin bickering in the time machine, they crash it, trapping Lewis in the future. Wilbur can't fix the time machine without Lewis' help, so he tries to keep Lewis hidden, to no avail, as Lewis becomes almost like part of the Robinson family. Lewis eventually learns that Wilbur's dad is a future version, making Wilbur his son, making Lewis angry at him. Lewis then discovers the real identity of the man in the bowler hat-- it's a grown up Goob, furious at Lewis for ruining such an important moment in his life, so with the help of the bowler hat (who is actually a robot named Doris!), they go into the past with Lewis' memory scanner and they change the future, causing it to be overrun with clones of Doris, taking over the world. Lewis is finally able to fix things by confronting Doris, who he finds out is something he goes on to invent, and he vows to never invent Doris, which then causes the hat and its clones to cease to exist. Lewis meets his future self, who convinces him to fix the past. He goes back to before the Science Fair, helps Goob stay awake during his game, he fixes what was wrong at the science fair, and he is adopted by his new parents: the Robinsons.

I like this movie, in scene when he met his family. the part that I do not like when they are adults, goob friends room first considered lewis to be because he was unhappy in the future. from this film we can conclude that revenge will not solve the problem and will actually make things worse

Maybe this film I recommend for children, and is suitable for families. not recommended for grandparents. This movie is very good, I give an A grade.

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